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Admission and appeals
Admissions to Kickstart Academy are made in partnership with the local authority.
The In-Year Fair Access Protocol has been developed by the local authority and Headteachers.
The In year fair access protocol (FAP) ensures that access to education is secured quickly for students who have no school place, and to ensure that all schools in an area admit their fair share of students with challenging behaviour.
The main principles are that:
- all schools and academies must participate
- schools and academies will continue to admit the large majority of pupils who apply for an available place under normal admission arrangements
- a panel composed of head teachers and local authority officers will meet approximately every 3 weeks to consider cases referred to it and make recommendations
- arrangements for admission through the protocol will be outside the normal operation of the admissions policy and oversubscription will not be regarded as a reason not to admit a student
- Students referred to a school or academy via the in-year fair access panel will take priority over any other students on a waiting list for a place
- Parents/guardians will still have a right to appeal to an independent panel for their preferred school or academy, but information will be given to that panel if a more appropriate school or academy has already been identified for that pupil under the terms of the protocol
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All of our students have been referred to FAP as they have been permanently excluded from school or are at risk of permanent exclusion from their school.
If students have been issued a permanent exclusion, Kickstart will be their 6th day provision (school days). Student, parent / carer will receive an invite to attend a welcome meeting and our educational offer will commence.
The reason for a permanent exclusion will be reviewed. If the matter involves a ‘one off incident’ and deemed appropriate to do so a FAP application will be made for a new secondary school place at the next FAP meeting. The aim will be to reintegrate the student back into mainstream education swiftly.
If a Year 10 student has received more than one permanent exclusion from mainstream settings, then they will remain at Kickstart until the professionals supporting the student feel they are ready for reintegration back into a mainstream setting.
Reintegration back into mainstream education must occur before the end of Year 10, otherwise the students continue with their journey at Kickstart into Year 11. Parents / carers must agree by signing the application that is being made to the FAP for a new school placement.
If a Year 11 student is permanent excluded from mainstream settings, then they will remain at Kickstart until the end of their secondary education.
The Headteacher at Kickstart manages the allocated places for students. Welcome meetings will take place within 15 school days of the place being allocated to Kickstart Academy.
In the event of being oversubscribed, students will be placed on a waiting list until a place becomes available.
Telford and Wrekin Council Admissions Support Team
admissions@telford.gov.uk for further guidance