Parent Communications
As an academy
We work hard to ensure that communication with parents/carers is accessible for all.
As an academy, we work hard to ensure that communication with parents/carers is accessible for all.
We send letters using email and text messages, phone calls are also made frequently to speak to parents/carers about matters arising. We work closely with families to know their preferred method of communication.
We recognise that strong communication with families is an effective way to improving attendance and supports positive relationships through two-way communication.
You will find that there may be an increase in communication from our academy in comparison with previous settings, but please do not be alarmed. More frequently we are sharing good news about the student progress and positive behaviour choices.
We look to remove any barriers within our communication such as inaccessible language and professional jargon. If there is anything parents/carers do not understand they should feel comfortable to ask a member of staff to explain this.
We pride ourselves on being an inclusive academy community. For parent/carers for whom English is an additional language we communicate closely with them and their families. If there is no one within the family who can translate any communication from our academy, then we would look for support with offering a translation service to the parent/carer.