Duke of Edinburgh
Every year, DofE inspires hundreds of thousands of young people, from all walks of life, to explore who they are, grow in confidence and develop the skills they need to successfully navigate life. We help them build lifelong belief in themselves, supporting them to take on their own challenges, follow their passions, and discover talents […]
Home cooking
This is a level 2 work-related qualification that will help students to develop: knowledge, understanding and confidence to cook meals at home an understanding of how to economise when planning a meal an ability to transfer skills learned to different recipes an ability to inspire others by transferring that knowledge
We do not offer music as a curriculum subject at Kickstart. However, we do see the value of creative arts in enhancing the learning experiences of our students, developing their cultural capital and providing a therapeutic outlet for our young people. During the students’ welcome meetings we discuss the music lessons that we offer. […]
Our students study AQA awards on topics related to computing that help students develop digital, enterprise and employability skills.
In science, students study Entry Level Certificates. This course helps to build confidence and engagement with science.
Reading At Kickstart Academy we have students who struggle with reading and are also reluctant readers. These students may actively resist reading, mask their dislike by misbehaving when asked to read, become easily frustrated during reading, or need to be coaxed into picking up a book. At Kickstart Academy we take reading seriously and approach […]
Physical Education
We don’t stop playing because you grow old; We grow old because we stop playing!” – George Bernard Shaw At Kickstart we believe a well-rounded PE curriculum can improve everything from physical health to mental, social and cognitive capabilities. It could even reduce the risk of heart disease, insomnia and depression. Participation in physical education […]
‘Go down enough into anything and you will find mathematics’ Dean Shlicter Mathematics is a subject that deals with numbers, shapes, logic, quantity and arrangements. Mathematics teaches to solve problems based on numerical calculations and find the solutions. At kickstart Academy, the maths department are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment that […]
At Kickstart Academy, upon entry to the academy, students undergo a range of standardised assessments to identify any difficulties they may have in learning. To meet the needs of those identified with reading difficulties, Kickstart have subscribed to two different Lexonik Literacy packages, including Lexonik Leap and Lexonik Flex. Four members of the Kickstart team […]
Art and design
The study of Art and Design develops students’ awareness of the visual world and the cultures that have shaped it. The Art Department promotes tolerance and understanding through the appreciation of different people’s ideas and creative responses. Through the context of art, a deeper understanding and acceptance of different cultures, styles and opinions are encouraged. […]