

Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact

About the subject

‘Go down enough into anything and you will find mathematics’

Dean Shlicter

Mathematics is a subject that deals with numbers, shapes, logic, quantity and arrangements. Mathematics teaches to solve problems based on numerical calculations and find the solutions.

At kickstart Academy, the maths department are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment that allows students to thrive from receiving high quality teaching through passion of the subject. We are a non-judgemental team who understand that every individual has a different level of prior knowledge and understanding, and we endeavour to support each student to achieve to the best of their ability.

About the Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact


By studying mathematics, students are aware of real-life opportunities and implications of number. Numbers are everywhere and our students will leave Kickstart knowing how they apply to a range of situations. The mathematics curriculum aims to equip students with the knowledge, ability and functionality to solve, reason and justify problems by applying their mathematic skills to a variety of real-life applications. This is supported by embedding and regularly reinforcing cross curricular skills through the six strands of mathematics: Number, Algebra, Probability, Statistics, Geometry and Ratio and Proportion.

The sequencing of our curriculum is designed to embed learning into the long-term memory by closing any gaps in learning from an interrupted education. Each time students revisit an area in maths, they are exposed to more complex content, building on what they have already learnt.

At Kickstart Academy we challenge our students, whilst providing appropriate scaffolding to ensure that all students progress through the rigorous development of knowledge and skills across the curriculum. Using their previous knowledge and ongoing learning students will be able to simplify problems into a series of smaller steps that will enable them to solve, reason and justify their solution to any problem. Within lessons students are taught strategies to solve problems and are encouraged by teacher modelling to be able to express themselves mathematically using keywords. Throughout our curriculum we use diagnostic questions to underpin the knowledge of our students and use this to address common misconceptions.

Our lessons are designed to allow students to discuss their thinking and articulate how they achieved their answers whilst creating an ‘it is ok to make mistakes’ culture; we strive for students to build their resilience through praise and challenges. This approach challenges our students to gain a deeper understanding of the mathematical skills we are embedding, and further enhances their use of mathematical language and skills.

With a common misconception that maths is not used widely in the real world, teachers and students discuss the benefits of understanding, learning and mastering mathematics. Here at Kickstart Academy we aim to inspire our students to appreciate the power and beauty of mathematics and to gain a sense of enjoyment and curiosity from the mathematics that surrounds them in everyday life. In the short time students may attend Kickstart Academy we encourage students to overcome any preconceived opinions and disbeliefs regarding mathematics and strive for greatness.


Lessons are engaging because they are challenging and fun. Students want to succeed and, through hard work and achievement, they want to learn more. Modelling is a key aspect of teaching in Mathematics. Through regular feedback and guided practice students master key concepts, methods, processes and formulas. Students learn how to revise and revisit prior knowledge so that they can be successful in regular low stakes tests whilst reinforcing their knowledge for the larger end of module/term assessments and ultimately their GCSE examinations. This helps to ensure long-term retention of core principles from KS3 through to KS4 and beyond. Within lessons, maths starters entice students to reach into their prior knowledge to secure skills into the long-term memory whilst becoming intrigued into the new learning.

Students work both collaboratively and independently when problem solving, which requires them to persevere and develop resilience; carefully scaffolded and individualised learning creates a safe environment for errors and improvements. Class groups are not set upon ability therefore differentiation is greatly used to allow individual pace but to also stretch and challenge. Formative assessment is incredibly important in mathematics, focusing on analysing comprehension. Extension work, mini plenaries and discussion with students show the retention of information by the students.

The Mathematics classroom provides a good standard of resources to support learning in each area. Students are familiar with these and are able to access them independently where needed to support their learning. Visual aids are often used in relation to the real world – food, sport and fashion are particular favourites. Visual aids of multiplication grids, lists of formulae and clear displays are present for students to explore their calculations independently.

Our students will also have the opportunity to apply their skills at vocational settings such as construction, ensuring that they can apply the skills learnt throughout the modules to more functional style problems in real life. The new math GCSE, with its increased focus on real world problem solving, demands higher literacy skills. As such, we aim to embed literacy throughout our curriculum. We focus on vocabulary in all lessons and explicitly challenge students to apply this knowledge to be able to locate the maths within language.

To ensure our aims for the curriculum are implemented effectively we instil 6 core values into our curriculum known as ‘The Kickstart 6.’ In Mathematics this is achieved in the following ways:


  • Use of retrieval practice of topics taught using a combination of short term and longer-term memory (lesson visuals, and ‘Do Now’ activities etc.)
  • Reducing cognitive overload when introducing new topics by chunking information down, modelling new concepts (‘I Do / We Do / You Do’ etc.) and using regular low-stakes assessment to check new learning.
  • Developing subject knowledge of teachers regularly through CPD.

The retrieval process in mathematics is important to layer learning. During lessons, students will need to revisit key knowledge from early learning of maths to be able to tackle more complex calculations. Problem solving requires patience and regular practise, this is why we follow the ‘I do, we do, you do’ model to support students to access long term memory through teacher led activities until they are confident new learning has developed into knowledge.

Teachers regularly upskill on current methods of mathematical practise, retrieval and top tips on how best to support students in their qualifications and later everyday use of problem solving.

Explanation and Practice

  • Teacher-led explanations are clear and concise.
  • Information is provided in a student-friendly way that is accessible by all.
  • Information is chunked when necessary.
  • Guided and independent practice is embedded within lessons using clear success criteria.

Through clear explanation and modelling students are exposed to non-intimidating mathematical problems at scaffolded levels of ability, enabling students to enjoy maths with clear individually personalised explanation. The maths department takes great pride in challenging past misconceptions towards mathematics; by changing the narrative and becoming a subject that students enjoy and thrive in.  Students have clear aims with vibrant success criteria available in displays, teacher explanation and personal goal setting.  Through knowing our students, staff are able to support individualised learning for an array of future careers and interests; using the model ‘we are learning this so that we can’ will capture students’ interest and give purpose to their practice.

Modelling and Scaffolding

  • New concepts, tasks, and knowledge are modelled first with differentiated scaffoldings provided where required to help build students’ confidence.
  • A variety of models (worked examples, live modelling etc.) are shared with students to enhance their understanding.
  • Scaffolding is withdrawn when teachers have assessed that students are ready.

Once the love of mathematics is rebuilt, scaffolded work is vital to build the true picture of problem solving in the real world. Real life scenarios and physical apparatus allow students to visually see why maths is important. Students will learn money and time keeping skills in an environment where they feel safe. A non-judgemental approach to making mistakes is modelled through teacher led and peer assessed work. Students are encouraged to interact with whole class engagement to build confidence and share common misconceptions. The environment is calm, with work that meets kinaesthetic, dyscalculia, low self-esteem and learning support needs.


  • Targeted questions are used to gain live feedback from students in the lesson.
  • A variety of questioning methods are used (cold calling, show-me boards etc.)
  • Questioning is used to allow students to deepen their understanding through subject-specific terminology and academic dialogue.

Our warm classroom experience allows students to provide live feedback when taking part in questioning and answering. Through knowing students varied ability, the teacher will aim questions that not only boost self-esteem but stetch and challenge. Through key words that are explained and modelled throughout the lesson, students will become familiar to subject specific terminology and academic knowledge. To explore deeper learning, thought provoking questions such as ‘can you use an inverse operation to support your answer’ will strengthen core knowledge of the English curriculum to build a dialogue that’s rich in life skills.


  • Feedback includes a combination of live questioning within the classroom and more deeply marked pieces of work.
  • Feedback is personalised (Pink for Think, live marking etc.) to allow students to progress with their individual learning.
  • Feedback is given in a positive, encouraging, and constructive way (WWW and EBI etc.)
  • Students are actively encouraged to engage with feedback (DIRT, Purple for Progress etc.) to address learning gaps.

In the maths department we pride ourselves on the positive instant feedback given verbally to students. Working alongside students’ support plans, support staff will provide feedback that does not intimidate or single out a student. Feedback is personalised through the academy policy of ‘pink for think’ to allow misconceptions to be rectified and aspects of work are marked deeply for reflection. The maths department provide directed improvement and reflection time through clear marking sheets, these are to summarize the progress, highlight improvements and celebrate the learning. The maths classroom boasts great work, through displaying positive engagement and attitude to learning, this is shared regularly with parents and carers.  The maths department aim for students to reach self-actualisation and increase passion and drive; this is supported by relevant and constructive daily feedback.

Behaviour and Relationships

  • Teachers create environments in which all students feel safe.
  • Positive and professional relationships are established though clear roles, routines, expectations, and boundaries.
  • Routines and behaviours are rehearsed and positively modelled by staff.
  • Differentiated behaviour management strategies are applied to help challenge and correct student behaviour.

The learning environment is warm and welcoming from the start. Students feel comfortable to make mistakes, to ask for support and feel valued with in the classroom and academy. Consistent routines and clear boundaries allow teaching and learning to happen in safe space. Positive behaviours are role modelled by staff to ensure that every child is heard and supported to learn and thrive with their peers and adults. Staff are aware of students’ behaviour management plans that support learning, intervention and extra-curricular activities to remove any barriers to learning.  The maths classroom is welcoming, personalised to a variety of needs, interests, and abilities.


The impact of our mathematics curriculum is that students understand the relevance of what they are learning in relation to the real world. We have created an environment where it is ok to be ‘wrong’ because the journey to finding an answer is the most important. Students are encouraged to support one another in their own strengths and weaknesses and to understand that although time keeping is important, it is not necessary the fastest answer is the best answer.  Our students have a growth mind-set and they make measurable progression against their own personal targets. Students build resilience by having the opportunity to sit regular functional skills exams with intentions to achieve to the best of their ability.

Our maths books are packed proudly with a range of activities showing evidence of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Feedback through verbal communication and written praise is supportive, encouraging students to not be intimidated by maths. Positive phone calls and certificates are regularly used to encourage students to boast about their individual effort and ability. Our expectations in maths are high, we encourage students to know that they all have different strengths, students should be proud of their workbooks. Books are moderated internally to share good practice.

Students have and will leave Kickstart with a greater passion for Mathematics, an understanding of how mathematics is used in the real world and a range of qualifications.