

Our pupils’ progress through the curriculum and personal development is extremely important to us.

Upon entry to Kickstart Academy, students are given baseline assessments for all subjects, the results of which will be analysed by staff to ensure future lessons are prepared to build upon current ability, catering for any additional needs or gaps in learning identified.

All students’ single word reading, spelling and maths skills will also be assessed using the standardised assessments contained within the WRAT 5.  The results of these will be used to develop a personalised approach to the curriculum, as well as identifying any potential additional needs of students. 

If there is concern regarding any possible learning difficulties, further assessments may be used, and may include the following:

  • Digit Span Memory Test – to gauge auditory and working memory
  • The British Picture Vocabulary Scale (BPVS) – to assess receptive vocabulary
  • The Diagnostic Reading Analysis – to measure text reading accuracy, listening and reading comprehension, as well as comprehension processing speed
  • Phonics assessments – to assess gaps within phonics knowledge that may impact upon reading and spelling skills
  • Visual Stress Test – to investigate whether students benefit from coloured overlays due to visual stress

We also monitor our students’ progress across all aspects of their personal development. Our Holistic Assessment Tracker (HAT) is a comprehensive approach to assessing students’ progress that goes beyond traditional methods of assessment. It considers the student’s personal, social, and emotional development.  It provides a HAT score based on 6 areas of personal growth:

  • Behaviour
  • Engagement
  • Self Regulation & Co-Regulation
  • Self-Esteem
  • Social Skills
  • Wellbeing

Assessment For Learning (AfL) is assessment that occurs at every stage of the learning process, with effective feedback used to improve students’ performance.  With assessment for learning, the main purpose is to close the gap between where the learner is at that point in time, to where they want to be. Teachers use assessment information to adjust their teaching strategies, with the emphasis on student progress and student achievement.

Results of any assessments will inform the provision that is put in place for students, as reflected in our Kickstart SEND offer.  These support strategies will be documented in individual Kickstart Support Plans and will be shared with parents/ carers, as well as staff.

Our assessment procedures are an essential part of ensuring a personalised approach to our provision and student learning.  The adjustments we make as a result of these assessments will help to develop student engagement, self-esteem and confidence, as well as helping our students to become better, more successful learners. 


Key formal assessment dates

Type Assessment period
Baseline Assessments On induction to Kickstart
Assessment Week 1 Year 10 Year 11 Wednesday 4th September 2024 Thursday 5th September 2024 Friday 6th September 2024
Assessment Week 2 Year 10 Year 11 Monday 2nd – Friday 6th December 2024
Assessment Week 3 Year 10 Year 11 Monday 24th – Friday 28th March 2025
Assessment Week 4 Year 10 Monday 30th June – Friday 4th July 2025
HAT Progress December 2024 April 2025 July 2025
Functional Skills Regular throughout the year depending on student progress
GCSE examination WRAT 5 - Upon entry and repeated 6 monthly for all students Additional Assessments – as required
Standardised Assessments WRAT 5 - Upon entry and repeated 6 monthly for all students Additional Assessments – as required