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Our whole academy curriculum vision
Kickstart Academy is committed to providing safe, caring and stimulating environments for all students. This allows our young people to re-engage with learning and either return to mainstream schooling or achieve success whilst remaining with ourselves. During this time, the learning needs of each individual student are accurately assessed to support personalisation of learning.
Our main academy aims are:
- To keep our students safe
- To provide a high quality of education
- Help our students to personally develop
- Improve outcomes for our young people
Our curriculum is the vehicle to deliver our whole-academy vision and we believe that the delivery of an effective curriculum to help improve educational outcomes is a vital way to positively impact our students’ futures. We endeavour to further our students’ intellectual development, social and emotional development, character and responsibility, happiness, and success.
We underpin our curriculum using our whole academy values: Ready, Respectful and Safe. Our teachers aim to develop and deliver the curriculum in a way that remains true to the subjects’ core content and concepts, creates a safe learning environment, encourages progression, and develops a lifelong love of learning.
Our whole academy curriculum intent
Our intent is to provide students with educational success and provide them with the opportunities to develop the essential skills and knowledge that they remember, not just encounter, ready for the next stage of their lives. This may be when they return to mainstream school or when they leave Year 11 and embark on their journey into further education, training, or employment.
Our curriculum is designed for progression and to be inclusive for all whilst setting high expectations of our learners. We encourage our students to be active thinkers with the product of knowledge and skills being our overarching goal.
We aim to provide a broad curriculum that offers a range of academic and vocational pathways whilst fostering creativity and developing critical thinking. We intend for our students to leave Kickstart with an ability to read, write, and communicate effectively. We also have a strong focus on the personal and social development of our students that allows them to understand and manage their emotions, recognise risk, increase resilience, and further their knowledge on the culturally rich communities in which they live.
As an academy, we also work closely with outside agencies to help further support our students to the greatest extent. Our target is for our students to leave Kickstart with an increased cultural capital that supports their development and allows them to achieve success beyond the classroom.
We strive to identify the different and individual needs of our students within our academy to help them develop and grow, to ensure they experience success. We support students to narrow their gaps in learning through high quality lessons and adaptive teaching. It is our intention that our students leave with a broad knowledge and understanding of British Values and understand the positive impact they can have on their communities.
Improving outcomes for our students is of utmost importance to us. We look to maximise attendance and punctuality, to ensure our students can access their learning which in turn helps them to remain safe, improve their well-being, and succeed. We also have a key focus on relationship-based practice which includes having shared expectations for behaviour that ensures safe, calm learning environments. Our very skilled staff team work closely with our students to ensure that behaviour for learning is positive.