Remote learning
Kickstart Engage and Kickstart Emerge programmes are learning packages that will be offered as a hybrid.
Remote learning
Kickstart Engage and Kickstart Emerge programmes are learning packages that will be offered as a hybrid approach within the home, at a community venue and within Kickstart settings.
To access the online learning programmes, students will be leased an academy laptop; this will allow students to complete online learning in preparation for GCSE and functional skills qualifications.
The laptops issued remain the property of the academy and will need to be returned when students leave Year 11 or reintegrate back into a mainstream setting or Kickstart Endeavour.
We have a dedicated team of staff that support the wellbeing of our students. Our IN-Reach mentor will visit the student’s home each week and will also facilitate educational trips for these students.
We also have a family liaison officer who supports students and families to overcome any barriers to learning. If a student does not engage with their programme, safe and well check visits will still be completed.
At Kickstart Academy we use EDClass to provide teacher supported learning for our students working within their home or at a suitable venue within the local community. This approach to education has been recognised as a tool to aid re-engagement with learning and attainment. The students have personalised learning, scheduled pathways of study and support from our academy staff.
EdClass work closely with the designated safeguarding officers within school to ensure that the
procedures fully comply with Keeping Children Safe in Education and other prominent educational government guidance. EdClass and the academy constantly monitor students learning, attainment, interactions, engagement, and behaviour in a safe and secure learning environment for all students. Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do.