Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

At Wrekin View, and across the Learning Community Trust, we strive to meet the needs of all our pupils.


‘A child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A learning difficulty or disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. Special educational provision means educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age in a mainstream setting in England.’ (Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, 2014)

Four areas of SEND

At Kickstart Academy, we provide for a wide range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, divided into four broad areas, which are seen in the diagram below.

Cognition and Learning

  • Specific Learning Difficulties e.g dyslexia
  • Moderate Learning Difficulties
  • Severe Learning Difficulties

Communication and interaction

  • Speech and Language needs
  • Autism
  • Social Communication needs

Social, Emotional Mental Health

  • Attention Deficit (ADD)
  • Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity (ADHD)
  • Emotional and mental health needs.

Physical and Sensory

  • Physical disability
  • Hearing impairment
  • Visual impairment
  • Multi-sensory impairment
  • Sensory Need


Kickstart Academy Aims

Kickstart Academy is a KS4 pupil referral unit that has recently joined the Learning Community Trust.  We cater for children and young people experiencing Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Behavioural difficulties who, having been referred through the Telford and Wrekin Fair Access Panel, are at risk of exclusion or have been permanently excluded from their mainstream schools.

Most students experience multiple barriers to learning and difficulties with behaviour mask their underlying difficulties. The primary need of students at Kickstart is Social, Emotional and Mental Health, with many also having difficulties within the areas of Cognition and Learning and Communication and Interaction. We recognise that students often have needs that can encompass several areas and their needs may change overtime.  Our aim is to tackle disaffection with learning, whilst providing a robust assessment of needs.

We aim to provide our students with appropriate provision and support, ensuring they are equipped with the characteristics and skills they need for a successful transition into adulthood. Our intention is to motivate and encourage our learners to master the basics thus gaining the knowledge and skills to access GCSE outcomes and become confident, successful, independent learners.

Bespoke Curriculum

Kickstart Academy welcomes students of all abilities and backgrounds into our caring learning environment and, through our highly skilled and compassionate team of staff, seek to create learning community where everyone can succeed.  Our staff are highly trained in the management of pupils with Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Behavioural problems.  Each class is small, with a teacher, and a member of support staff. 

Using the data collated from previous school settings and our ongoing assessment practices, a bespoke curriculum is provided for each student who has been assessed as needing additional support.  The curriculum supports the development of learning skills whilst tackling the barriers to engagement our students face.  This is done by working on a one-to-one basis, in pairs or in groups. There is a significant focus on speaking and listening skills, on developing vocabulary and understanding the four functions of number. Students are provided with continuous support with tasks that are aimed to consolidate deep learning and chunked to challenge whilst avoiding memory overload. A variety of teaching resources are used such as: Lexonik, electronic resources, textbooks, worksheets, and individual learner led projects.

We aim to re-engage students, improve their self-esteem, emotional regulation, and ability to cope with pressure and challenge.  We set high expectations and encourage students to make good choices, both within the classroom and the wider community. Where possible, we work to reintegrate our students back into mainstream education.

Where students continue to struggle, we work with services, such as CAMHs and Social Care Services, and the Local Authority to further expand support and, in some cases, explore more appropriate specialist provision.

Below is a visual representative of the offer we present to our SEND students.

If you have any further enquiries, please contact our academy SENDCo,-  click here (link to contact form)

The links to our SEND Information Report and Accessibility Policy are below.    (I have attached these to this email)

For more information on Telford and Wrekin’s Local SEND offer, click the following link:

Support for Parents/ Carers

The following websites and resources may provide useful advice for parents, carers, and students.

SENDIASS Telford and Wrekin provide free, confidential, and impartial advice to parents and carers of children with special educational needs.  The website also includes a Young Persons Zone for those aged 16 and over who are looking for support.


provides an anonymous 24-hour online service offering peer support, self-help and have trained counsellors to talk to. Anyone aged 11-25, living in Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin, can register to access this service and you don’t need to be referred or have an appointment Whilst the website is available 24 hours, there will be someone to talk to online at the following times:

  • 12:00 to 22:00 (Monday to Friday)
  • 18:00 to 22:00 (Saturday, Sunday, and Bank Holidays)

Home – Kooth


Often the term neurodiversity is used in the context of Autism and ADHD and refers to the natural differences in the way our brains work.

Some people’s brains simply work in a different way. Your child’s brain is unique to them. Therefore, they will have unique skills, abilities, and needs. They may experience and interact with the world around them in different ways. There is no right or wrong way of thinking, learning, and behaving. Someone who is neurodivergent behaves, thinks, and learns differently to those who are neurotypical.

If you want to find out more about neurodiversity and the support available click on the link to go to the Healthier Together website, where you can find out about local and national support. Neurodiversity (

Special educational needs and disabilities coordinator

Contact form

The SENDCo is listed on the leadership team page – click here

Contact our SENDCo using the form below, or contact the academy on 01952 388088.

Please Fill in the form below

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