
At Kickstart

We understand that a transition to a new setting can be challenging for a young person.

They may experience all kinds of emotions and often will show some level of anxiety about the move, new classroom routines and friendships. Students can thrive if they have a highly bespoke transitional period, with additional visits and scaffolds for new routines. At Kickstart we have highly skilled staff who can support the students into their new environment.

Transitioning to Kickstart from the home school

Students will attend their welcome meeting with a representative from their home school. This meeting is an opportunity to learn more about the student and their journey to Kickstart. We like to understand the student’s passions, interests, and talents. Support will be given on arrival to Kickstart from a dedicated team of staff including our SENDCo. The home school will remain in contact with Kickstart to ensure the student has settled in well.

Transitioning from Kickstart back into a mainstream secondary school

It is important for our students transitioning back to a mainstream school that they recognise this success. We prepare students for the transition through lots of discussions and workshops around their worries about moving forward.  Kickstart’s Family Liaison Officer attends the welcome meeting at the newly allocated school.  The Family Liaison Officer will also visit the student for up to 4 weeks to see how they are progressing. It is important for our students to leave with a positive frame of mind and the philosophy that they are going to their ‘forever school’ where they will secure their end of year 11 outcomes.

Transitioning from Kickstart to Post-16 pathways

A significant amount of work is invested in supporting our year 11 students to transition successfully onto their post-16 pathways such as college or an apprenticeship. This is achieved through the academy’s careers programme, and with support from external career agencies. Our careers advisor offers personalised support, taking students to their college interviews for moral support. We also work closely with the SEND Post-16 team in Telford & Wrekin to support students with high level needs. Our SENDCo will complete personal profiles or reference requests for students, ensuring that strategies of support are clearly outlined for a smooth transition.