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Uniforms help to define the ethos of an academy and the standards expected.

They help give students pride in their academy and make them ambassadors for their academy in the community.

As an academy, we have designed our uniform to ensure that it is as inclusive as possible whilst being mindful to ensure that it is cost effective for parents/carers. 

Our uniform creates a sense of belonging to the Kickstart Academy community and creates a more positive academy environment.

The full details of our academy uniform can be found within the academy’s behaviour for learning policy.


  • Academy t-shirt
  • Academy hoodie 
  • Black trousers or skirt – only one layer is permitted
  • Black shoes or trainers 


  • Make up should be minimal 
  • Jewellery should be minimal including 1 pair of studded earrings and wrist watch
  • Head garments should be of a religious nature only

Supporting uniform accessibility

Where to buy school uniform from
As an academy, we stock uniform on the premises. Uniform can be purchased during the welcome meeting.

Cost of uniform
We appreciate that when a student moves school, and parents/carers are expected to purchase a new uniform it can cause concern.

However, if parents/carers need additional time to pay they can speak with the Headteacher to arrange to pay what is affordable and will not cause hardship.

Supporting uniform accessibility

If you need support with accessing uniform, please contact the academy to discuss access to second-hand uniforms. In addition, please contact us if you would like to donate usable used uniforms.

Monitoring school uniform

All staff will monitor the correct wearing of school uniform. Students will be expected to wear the correct school uniform.

Parents are responsible to inform the academy, either in writing or verbally if for any reason a student is unable to wear the correct uniform.

Uniform is checked on entry into the academy building.  Any uniform matters can be swiftly resolved as we do have spare uniform that students can borrow for the day and return on leaving the academy. 

For students who repeatedly fail to wear the correct uniform:

  • A member of staff will speak to the parents to discuss possible reasons why uniform is not being worn
  • Students may lose Star Points
  • Repeated loss of Star Points may result in a meeting with parent/carer